To gain better estimates of relative treatment effects in the presence of selective crossover, we used inverse probability of censoring weighted ( IPCW) modeling. 采用逆概率删失加权分析(IPCW)模型以更好地评估转换治疗的相对治疗效果。
The paper investigated and compared three typical methods of generating Nakagami-m random variables i.e.Brute force method, sum-of-sinusoids method and inverse transform method with each other by the degree of simulation probability density curve approaching to theory's as well as the efficiency of programming. 通过仿真概率密度曲线逼近理论曲线的程度和程序运行效率两方面对生成Nakagami-m分布随机变量的几种典型方法&Bruteforce法、正弦求和法、逆变换法性能进行研究和比较。
The average inverse theorems about best uniform trigonometric polynomial approximation on C2 π was also discussed. A conclusion is obtained that the order of average error bounds reflects the structural properties of functions in supports of the probability measure. 还讨论了C_2π上最佳三角多项式一致逼近的平均逆定理,表明平均误差界的阶反映出概率测度所支撑集合上其函数的结构性质。
In the light of defect of the conventional Bayes method, a new inverse analysis method is discussed by using probability theory, statistical principle and modern information theory. 基于概率与数理统计理论和现代信息理论,针对传统贝叶斯法中观测信息与先验信息不匹配的缺陷,探讨了一种新的反演方法。
Random variable distribution functions and their inverse functions take an important role in probability theory. 随机变量的分布函数及其反函数在概率论中占有重要地位。
According to the research, the steady-state error of the Natural Gradient Algorithm ( NGA) is inverse proportional to the quadratic of the kurtosis of the sources when the probability distribution function of each source is the same. 研究表明,当各个源信号的概率密度分布相同时,自然梯度算法的稳态误差与源信号峭度的平方成反比。